Why Fraction ROYALTY
We make the process of selling mineral rights simple, fast, and transparent.
Same Day Quote
If you provide your 3 most recent check statements, we can provide you with a same day quote.
No Fees
There no fees or transaction costs. We handle everything at no cost to you.
Fast Closing
We close most transactions in 7 days or less.
No Commission
No brokers fees or commissions. You are working directly with the end buyer so there is no cost.
End buyer
We are long term investors who buy and hold. We do not flip mineral rights.
Fractional Ownership
We buy small fractional ownership that is too small for most mineral buyers.
What We Buy
Same Day Quote
At fraction Royalty, we can get you a quote within 24 hours. To receive a quote, we simply need your 3 most recent royalty statements. Your royalty statements will show the well name, volumes, ownership interest, and other information we need to evaluate your ownership.
To get a same day quote, please fill out the form below: